Friday, August 25, 2017

Article : NLP for Business Excellence

NLP was originally created from NLP co-creators fascination with human excellence sowing the seeds for the early NLP modelling projects to emerge John Grinder and Richard Bandler focussed their studies on extraordinary ‘Change Agents’ i.e. people who were geniuses at enabling others to transform their lives. Grinder and Bandler had no interest in average performers, their attention was firmly focussed on the behaviour of geniuses whose innate behaviours provided the difference that made the difference in an individual who was considered excellent in their field of endeavour.  NLP modelling is where the behavioural patterns of excellence are unpacked and coded in a format that is replicable for others to learn. The NLP models can provide business people with strategies for high performance in their professional lives.  In this article, I will outline some NLP processes to assist you as a business person to enhance your business excellence.


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