Sunday, September 24, 2017

6 Simple Tweaks To Live A Happy Life

You're reading 6 Simple Tweaks To Live A Happy Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

What makes you happy? Have you ever thought of why some people are living a happy life, and why some are not? It really seems like a simple question, yet many people wake and sleep without feeling any sense of happiness in their life. According to a recent research by Harris Poll, only one out of three Americans says they are very happy. While there are many factors that could be responsible for non-happiness, such as our day-to-day activities, relationship, depression etc. Below therefore, are 6 simple tweaks to live a happy life: 1. Finish whatever you start A write-up by Seth Borenstein on a study about  procrastination, he said after 10 years of research on a project that was supposed to take only 5 years, a Canadian industrial psychologist found in a giant study that not only is procrastination on the rise, it makes people poorer, fatter and unhappier. In the same study Still also said, “People who procrastinate tend to be less healthy, less wealthy and less happy.” Achieving a task is a great way to self happiness. Do you have the habit of starting projects and not  finishing them? If so, it'll  be very difficult to feel the vibes of achievement. You know how it feels after completing a task or archiving a goal, you feel great and happy. A simple way to live a happy life is to finish whatever you start. 2. Exercise Another simple but effective way to stay happy is by regular exercise.  Research  shows that, physical activities can boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy; as well as reduce depression and stress. The impact of exercise cannot be underrated and many successful individuals like J.K Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Nicholas Dutko; of Auto Transport Quote Services,  Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, amongst others, often cite regular exercise as one of the top secrets to their happy living. Although daily exercise might seem stressful but if you can put it into regular practice, it’s one of the effective way to stay happy. It helps shapen the mind, body and soul -- while we remain strong to carry out our daily activities. 3. Stay in good health One of the effective ways to live a happy life is to be in good health, it is often said, “healthy people are happy people.” I tend to agree to this fact because happiness is one of the rules guiding good health, happy people live long while unhappy people have short life to live. Depression and sadness affect the body system from performing at its best, which often lead to health issues. However, it is advisable to stay in good health to enjoy a happy life.   4. Spend time with your family Spending quality time with our loved ones; especially family, brings another feel of happiness.  We tend to feel loved and pleasant while with the kids, wife or relatives. For example, work has deprived many of spending time with family. They go out very early in the morning and come back late at night. No time to gist and have fun with wife and children, always busy with work and appointments. This can seriously lead to an unhappy lifestyle. Schedule a time to stay with your family, it’s one of the ways to live a happy life. 5. Positive thinking Feeding yourself with negative thought is a simple way to sad living. Negative thinking brings fear and doubt, while fear brings sadness. We are a product of our thoughts, so think positive. Positive thinkers are happy people. 6. Forgiveness Forgiveness is yet another way to derive everlasting happiness.  Anytime you forgive someone, your mind is clear, you put on  smiling face and you’re happy around every body. Happy people never keeps grudges because they know it will keep on hurting them than expected. They find it easy to forgive and forget about wrong things people do towards them -- which gives them the vibes to focus on something new.  

You've read 6 Simple Tweaks To Live A Happy Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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