Friday, September 1, 2017

How To Stop Getting Distracted – Once And For All

You're reading How To Stop Getting Distracted – Once And For All, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Your list of things to do is starting to feel heavy, and there doesn’t seem to be enough time. Everything important seems like it’s being overshadowed by the little interferences. Facebook, Email, Reddit, News feeds – you name it. And it's all happening on multiple devices. It’s not that you don’t value the importance of your work, it’s just that pesky online distractions, again and again, seem to kill your momentum. If not that, then it’s the other life interruptions that keep taking you away from what’s significant. And so, your important work is being left until later…but by that time, you’re feeling lethargic and unmotivated. Especially since you’ve noticed your energy starts to drop just after lunch. Is there a way of breaking out of this pattern, so that you can finish important work early as early as possible? The Paradox of Choice and why Site Blocking Extensions aren’t the answer Conducting meaningful work nowadays is heavily based on using the web to our advantage. We face a multitude of choices when we open up our browser. It’s easy to get lost in a tangle and dabble with our work in-between short bouts of personal web surfing time, especially when we have a whole row of enticing bookmark links. Numerous tools to block out sites are available nowadays, but it’s very easy to disable them and get back to our old habits. Besides, they subtly popularize the idea of a black and white mindset. Either it’s a world of distraction or a full-on productivity mindset with little to no leeway. Neither of these paths is sustainable in the long-run. So, what can we do instead? You need to set Smart Limitations to defend yourself Most likely, you’ve been in a situation where, upon scanning all the pending emails, you got sucked in and five minutes later, forgot why you even checked your inbox in the first place! Naturally, you want to carefully plan when and how often you check our inbox, social feeds, and bookmarks. Examples of Smart Limitations:
  • I hide my bookmark bar during the first half of the work day.
  • I won’t check email in the first hour of the workday.
  • I will check Facebook twice per day - once in the morning, and a second time in the evening.
  • I will limit myself to one hour blocks of work before taking a break.
“The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody of automatism, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their proper work.” ― Mason Currey, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work How Smart Limitations Improve Productivity Smart limitations not only ensure you stick to what you’re working on, but they’re safeguards for your level of focus. Without them, it’s far easier to follow the whimsical fancies of your mind to pull you away from accomplishing meaningful work. It’s hard to be fulfilled if you don’t accomplish what you set out to do on a given day. This perpetual cycle of self-loathing, annoyance, and guilt – is something you want to avoid. Smart limitations ensure those days come by less often; think of them as your little friends to focus and happiness. Without set-in-advance limitations, you'll run amok and follow the path of least resistance. Ironically, resistance to getting the work done is highest when you don’t have any set guidelines on how to get your work done. Going with the flow and being a free spirit with no time bounds has its perks. But when it comes to getting meaningful work done, it can fail miserably. How to Implement Smart Limitations Carefully think about how often you currently check all the websites and apps that have been distracting you. Make a list of them, and write down a rough estimate on the number of times you’re interrupted by each one daily. Your next step is to write how many times ideally you would like to use those sites/services. Then, keep a log for the first couple of days just to see if you did stick to your new intentions. You most likely won’t fulfill your new smart limitations right away. But with time, you’ll get better at doing so, and the long term results for your productivity, happiness, and focus – will prove to be unbelievably powerful. If you work on a PC and you're interested in learning how to improve the way you approach life, read my free book on Spiritual Productivity.
  • You'll learn about how to split up your day into four chunks, so you worry less about external influences.
  • You'll learn about the 'Playful Time' technique and other small hacks that will take your productive work on the PC to the next level.
  • And much more…

 Samy Felice is a writer who brings meaning to words. His Free Book explores how to make success easier. 

You've read How To Stop Getting Distracted – Once And For All, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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