Saturday, July 29, 2017

Erin’s Things: Sunday, June 30

You're reading Erin’s Things: Sunday, June 30, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Thanks for joining me for my weekly round-up. This week, I've got a couple of really cool apps, devices and a movie. I'd love to hear what you're really into, so read away and then leave a comment below! Be well, Erin

Sometimes I need a little inspiration to get working, so when I discovered, a design and aesthetic focused furniture start up I was super excited! You've got modern and inspiring (key word here!) pieces, never predictable. I especially love the desk headphone hanger and the ‘Hay’ laptop brush. Where you work in terms of the effect it has on positivity can be just as important in sparking your creativity. I'm up for trying anything that will make me more productive!

The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath’s only novel, as a film! It’ s directed by a woman, who just happens to be actress turned filmmaker Kristen Dunst. The film stars Dakota Fanning, another fantastic talent. I have always loved this book, a classic story of its central character ‘Esther Greenwood’s melancholy decent into mental illness. It is an acclaimed tale of the young and unreachable out there, and with a fresh adaptation co-written by Kristen Dunst herself and Nellie Kim, I am beyond excited to see this all female version light up he screen.

Things get busy in life, to the point where I find myself calling ‘exercise’ a few minutes of yoga stretches in the morning and at night. For those of us who don’t necessarily belong to any gym or take regular studio classes to work out, there is now an iOS app that solves this problem and it even gets you in on incredible discounts! Open Sweat is a great new app that  is free to download, you register on a platform then you browse all classes in Los Angeles that are under booked. Best thing to add is that every night between 6pm the night before and 30 minutes before the class, you can get discounts of up to 50% on these classes. SO if I find myself having the time on any given day, this app makes it easy and affordable.

Remember that part of that lyric to that song ‘got the whole world in his hands?’ Well, now that is reality! That is if a large part of your world revolves around your smart phone (and let’s be real…). This ingenious device is a pocket electricity generator, shaped like a ball that you can take anywhere with you wherever you go. It works to generate the same current it would take to charge your phone to an external outlet, but with your own body’s energy charging a built in battery. That is GENIUS! You only may look a little strange to some as you rotate your wrist trying to get energy into your phone…but the upside of that is it can be surprisingly meditative? Just a hunch.  This is an energy efficient product and I’m all for it.

The indie rock band, Trophy Dad, has something special, unassuming and contemplative on one hand, dance worthy on the other hand. Lyrically and musically on point with interesting narratives smattered throughout. Their single ‘Louis Sachar’ has a melodious hook that is still in my head as I type this. They’re on my to watch list for sure.
What are you loving this week? Let me know in the comments below!  

You've read Erin’s Things: Sunday, June 30, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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