Sunday, August 28, 2016

Newton’s Law Of Productivity: A Simple Daily Practice That Will Make You Unstoppable

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Newton's Law of Productivity: A Simple Daily Practice That Will Make You Unstoppable

isaac newton quotes Being productive. Getting more done. We say we want to do this, but we often find ourselves reverting back to our not-so productive habits. And all of our time spent learning about different productivity tips and “hacks” doesn’t seem to help.  We know we should be doing our Pomodoro sessions and turning off the Internet while we work, but instead we keep ourselves “busy” with things like: Checking out what’s happening on our favorite social media sites every couple of hours (or even more often than that)… Obsessively checking our inboxes to get that latest email fix… Spending time chatting with our friends and colleagues (while convincing ourselves that this classifies as “work”)… And checking the “easy” items off on our to-do lists, when we know deep down what we should be spending time on. Pretty soon the entire day has gone by and we feel like we’ve accomplished nothing. And you probably have a good idea of just how productive you would be if you could just stop doing the things mentioned above. Unfortunately, it’s much easier to say “today I’m going to just work and get stuff done” than it is to actually do it. Below I’m going to outline a very simple system, based on Newton’s First Law of Motion, that will practically force you to become more productive than you ever thought possible. The First Law states that “objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”  This system is all about using this law to develop a proper foundation for being ultra-productive. This foundation consists of the following: Getting Enough Sleep – According to scientific research, our health and productivity depends on us getting enough sleep.  The leading experts state that we need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day to perform at peak levels. Meditation – Over 1,400 scientific studies have proven the incredible benefits of meditation.  Most importantly as it relates to productivity, meditation increases our will power. We’ll need this will power to resist the many daily distractions we face. Proper Diet – Eating right also has a tremendous effect on our productivity.  The easiest way to see a boost in your energy levels is to eliminate processed foods from your diet and make sure you eat plenty of green vegetables. Exercise – Exercise not only increases our energy and our ability to focus, it’s also been proven to grow new brain cells as well. You might have even experimented with adopting some of these habits only to have them fall off after a couple of weeks (or even sooner). But when we use the Newton’s Law to help us adopt these habits, we can make them automatic in a very short amount of time.  Here’s a 3-step system for doing exactly that:

Step 1:  Start by making a conscious effort to get enough sleep.

Here is where you’ll want to focus most of your willpower. The easiest way I’ve found to adopt this habit is to set a “night time alarm.”  This involves scheduling a time every night where you’re going to shut off all distracting electronics and begin getting ready for bed. Then make waking up at a decent hour the #1 thing on your to do-list for the following day.

Step 2:  After you’ve woken up and brushed your teeth, meditate as soon as you can. 

This is probably the most critical step for making the system work. I’ve found that 20 minutes is the perfect amount of time to meditate in the morning, but this does take some practice to work up to. So I recommend starting with 5 to 10 minutes and building upon that. (Note:  if even 5 minutes seems impossible for you, go with the mini-habit strategy of meditating for just one minute.)

Step 3:  After you meditate engage in some form of exercise. 

Exercising in the morning is much better than exercising later in the day in terms of productivity because of the “cognitive buzz” exercise provides you that you’ll be able to then use to tackle your most important projects for the day. This works beautifully because remember:  “objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” Do this for 30 days and your life will change.  I guarantee it. And again, if you’re just starting out, use a mini-habit strategy.  Here’s an example of what  you  might do:
  • Wake up after getting a good night’s sleep
  • Meditate for 5 minutes
  • Do 1 push up (yes. Just one)
The routine above takes no more than 10-minutes and it’s something you’ll be able to easily build upon. Pretty soon you’ll be unstoppable and accomplishing literally twice as much as you were before! Attention Pick The Brain Readers: If you would like more information on how to develop these habits and become unstoppable, be sure to download my Master Day Checklist. This Checklist contains my proven 5-part formula that will put you in the top 1% of achievers and get you accomplishing more in one month than most people do in a year.   It also includes the amazing 4 + 4 = 100 Framework millionaires and world-class athletes use to feel amazing and unstoppable every single day and much more. Grab Your Master Day Checklist Here
Ron Reich is a former lawyer turned entrepreneur whose mission is to help people master the game of life and accomplish their mostly deeply important goals.  Download his Master Day Checklist today to find out exactly how to do this.  

You've read Newton’s Law Of Productivity: A Simple Daily Practice That Will Make You Unstoppable, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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