Monday, July 31, 2017
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What a week!! It has been an incredibly productive one for us here at the Tad James Company.
The phones have been ringing hot with our wonderful students, current and new, all on their path to transforming themselves and the planet. We love hearing from you all, it truly makes our day! In Australia, we wrap up another successful 3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification Training in Brisbane and in the USA we’re right in the middle of the NLP Trainers Training in Las Vegas! As we welcome in the new with the 1st of August, we look ahead towards completing the NLP Trainers Training in the US and moving into the Hypnotherapy Trainers Training. Up next in Australia is the 3-Day Modern Hypnosis Training in Melbourne. If you are ready to join in and transform yourself and the planet, call our offices today and book your seat (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433)!!
NLP Coaching | NLP Master Practitioner Board Break | Las Vegas 2017 – Wow…what an amazing training it was! There were massive breakthroughs and learnings for everyone who was in attendance at the 2017 Tad James Company NLP Master Practitioner Training in Las Vegas, USA with Drs. Adriana and Tad James. Over 80 boards were broken during the NLP Modeling Exercise, which occurred at the end of the first week of the training. What a magnificent symbol of all of the breakthroughs everyone experienced throughout the 16-day training, and what everyone could experience throughout their future! It’s amazing what can be achieved when you Focus On What You Want. Congratulations everyone and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon!
Can NLP Help Depression – Have you or someone you know ever experienced depression? Many of us would answer yes here. Many may also answer yes to experiencing different ‘treatments’ in order to stop experiencing that depression, including a medication based approach. So here is another question, are these ‘treatments’ producing the desired result? Which perhaps for most people would be for it to be gone for good! And what if there was a technique out there that has produced this result for people time and time again? This weeks first article is by Dr. Tad James where he discusses just that!
Introduction written by Fini Todd and Kallum Hock @ Sydney Office.
Your New Articles, Hints & Tips
NLP Coaching | NLP Master Practitioner Board Break | Las Vegas 2017
by Stephan Schafeitel
Wow…what an amazing training it was! There were massive breakthroughs and learnings for everyone who was in attendance at the 2017 Tad James Company NLP Master Practitioner Training in Las Vegas, USA with Drs. Adriana and Tad James. Over 80 boards were broken during the NLP Modeling Exercise, which occurred at the end of the first week of the training. What a magnificent symbol of all of the breakthroughs everyone experienced throughout the 16-day training, and what everyone could experience throughout their future! It’s amazing what can be achieved when you Focus On What You Want.
Congratulations everyone and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon!
by Dr. Adriana James
Here is an answer, one page or less, to a common question in NLP since as you probably know that we teach NLP Coaching Certification Trainings.
The question we want to consider in this article is, “Can NLP help depression?” The answer is, “Yes!” Of course, that answer would have to be qualified. In the same way, “Can vigorous physical exercise help depression?” Again, “Yes!”
Here is another question...(Read More)
Presenting Magically
Transforming Your Stage Presence With NLP |
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via NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR – The Tad James Co
NLP Coaching | NLP Master Practitioner Board Break | Las Vegas 2017
NLP Coaching | NLP Master Practitioner Board Break | Las Vegas 2017
Wow…what an amazing training it was! There were massive breakthroughs and learnings for everyone who was in attendance at the 2017 Tad James Company NLP Master Practitioner Training in Las Vegas, USA with Drs. Adriana and Tad James. Over 80 boards were broken during the NLP Modeling Exercise, which occurred at the end of the first week of the training. What a magnificent symbol of all of the breakthroughs everyone experienced throughout the 16-day training, and what everyone could experience throughout their future! It’s amazing what can be achieved when you Focus On What You Want.
Congratulations everyone and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon!
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via NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR – The Tad James Co
How to Re-Integrate a Splintered Self
You're reading How to Re-Integrate a Splintered Self, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
Identify the voices inside you. Last week, I wrote a letter from one clearly defined part of myself to another. These parts had NOT gotten along for some time, but now, I suddenly saw clearly that they could be first partners, then part of a larger, happier whole. Borrowing Gail Sheehy’s wonderful terms from “Passages”, one part of me was “The Seeker”, and the other was “The Merger”. I was concentrating on looking back and somehow making sense of the most difficult part of my life, and I knew that time had fragmented myself. The letter from the “Seeker” to the “Merger” and the response identified the key disputes concerning what happened during that period.2-Accept the Different Parts of Yourself
One of life’s great lessons is accepting. From my work on the stage, both as actor and playwright, I know that one of the theatre’s greatest gifts is the art of improv. Yes, improv is just what it sounds like, working on something without any preparation and making that lack of preparation a gift. But that’s not the core of improv. The core of improve is acceptance. If you’re on the stage doing improv, if your partner tells you you’re in the desert, then you’re in the desert, even if the theatre happens to be leaking rain at that moment. If you don’t accept, you can’t do improv. If the splintered parts of you can’t accept each other, then you can’t “perform” or participate in the drama of life together. So, each part of you, read that letter, overcome the negativity toward the other part and accept that why he or she did or didn’t do something.3-Find Your Internal Coach
Your Internal Coach is really simply a fancy or inspirational name for a nourishing internal parent. After my Seeker and Merger accepted each other, they realized they need another internal force who would supervise their integration, bring the best out in both, help them set goals, and most of all, help them find happiness in every moment, in every situation. The biggest thing the internal coach does is outlaw toxic self-criticism inside the newly integrated being.4-Coaching to the Best Outcome
Each day holds the possibilities of happiness, regardless of circumstances. Each day holds the possibilities of making the most of opportunities, no matter what they might be. Toxic internal criticism creates a re-splintering, and you have just overcome that, so here’s a way to mediate both feelings and events in a way that teaches with compassion. Here’s how.5-Diary Time: Record the Day’s Events and Feelings.
1-Give thanks for all, no matter what. (Remember your improv training around acceptance!) 2-Perhaps you made a mistake or didn’t do something as well as you might have. The splintered is not inclined to provide a teaching moment in such circumstances. The coach will. The coach will act as your kind adult and say, “What would have been a better approach?” You will tell the coach, and the coach will applaud your maturity. You can then add that to what you’re grateful for. So, you see, each day is a new opportunity to reknit yourself, in case any splintering went on during the day. Everyone wants to live their life with a full deck. Everyone wants to make the most of who they are. Everyone wants to be happy. These elements are all about a life of wealth. An integrated being is the best way to maximize your assets. Be rich!Lars Nielsen has decades of experience helping individuals and businesses discover and share their core message. Whatever your message or audience, grab his "Make YOUR Message Matter Cheat Sheet" and put his time-tested techniques to work immediately.
You've read How to Re-Integrate a Splintered Self, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
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How to treat extreme fear of the dark -
(Last of two parts)
Some children with nyctophobia or intense fear of the dark may have coping mechanisms to overcome their fear.
They may cling to security blankets, pillows, teddy bears or even mosquito nets—all of which may make them feel secure. Some may grow up to be adults with their subconscious or unconscious minds programmed that they need these items to protect them from any danger.
It is indeed most unfortunate if the nyctophobia is aggravated by fear-inducing techniques of parents, elder siblings or babysitters.
“The case of the 9-year-old boy who still wets his bed demonstrates clearly the impact of fear-inducing techniques on young children,” says Dr. Carmen “Mameng” Sugai, a child psychiatrist who is trained at the Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center and Tulane Medical Center in the United States.
She adds that the intense fear raises stress and anxiety levels, especially when faced with darkness, being alone or talk of ghosts. Over time, this fear can become more broad in scope, such that other situations can provoke the same fear response.
Assess the family
Dr. Sugai stresses that when a child psychiatrist or psychologist encounters children with nyctophobia and other abnormal fears, one must also assess the family—“whether there are other family members, like parents or siblings, who are perpetuating fear in the home, such as an abusive parent or an older sibling.
“There are also other negative feelings such as helplessness, insecurity and even abandonment,” says Dr. Sugai. However, she emphasizes that these are likely to occur in vulnerable children, that is, children with predisposition to anxiety because of family history of anxiety or because of psychosocial factors such as dysfunctional families and a history of physical or psychological abuse.
It is to be noted that children between the ages of six and 12 may feel a bit afraid of the dark, and this is not necessarily something parents should worry about. Dr. Sugai explains that this is a normal stage of development and not a phobia. The same is also true for adults who retain a bit of fear of the dark throughout their life.
It becomes an abnormal fear or nyctophobia requiring professional help if the child or adult becomes “dysfunctional,” such that he or she experiences severe, inappropriate symptoms related to darkness.
These symptoms include extreme nervousness in any darkened environment, the need to sleep with the lights on, being reluctant to go out at night, bodily symptoms like palpitations or an increased heart rate, sweating, visible shaking or feeling ill (nauseated, upset stomach, or a “butterflies-in-the-stomach” sensation when made to spend time in the dark).
When the fear of the dark already interferes with a child’s or adult’s functionality, then professional help is recommended.
“Fear of the dark can definitely be treated,” assures Dr. Sugai. She says the effective treatment is cognitive behavior therapy, also described as exposure therapy. It’s like desensitization therapy for an allergy. One is exposed to progressively increasing time in the dark, until one can tolerate sleeping in the dark the whole night.
Relaxation techniques
Patients with nyctophobia are also taught relaxation techniques, especially those who have a tendency to hyperventilate (fast, shallow breathing) when afraid or under stress. They’re also trained to manage their negative thoughts and feelings, and replace them with positive and comforting thoughts.
These, combined with appropriate antianxiety medicines, can help nyctophobic children and adults overcome their intense fear of the dark.
I asked Dr. Sugai about the role of hypnosis or hypnotherapy for nyctophobia. It should be reserved for the more difficult cases, mostly in adults, she says.
“I would be cautious in using it for children with mild symptoms of anxiety,” she adds, “since there are other therapeutic interventions that are much more accessible such as cognitive therapy, which addresses underlying beliefs that fuel the fear or anxiety.”
If ever a therapist suggests subjecting the child to hypnotherapy, the parents must make sure that he or she is a trained hypnotherapist. “One must verify their training and credentials before going to them,” advises Dr. Sugai.
If performed by inadequately trained hypnotists, meddling with the child’s subconscious mind can cause more harm than good. Haphazardly done, hypnotherapy can cause misdirected instructions to the subconscious mind which can cause more confusion and psychological conflicts, leaving the child mentally scarred for life.
Dr. Sugai, who decided to retire in the Philippines recently, had a busy private practice for more than 20 years in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and five years of clinical staff work in Alaska working with health consortiums of Southeast and Southcentral Alaska. Together with her classmates in medical school (University of Santo Tomas Batch 1977), she has formed a foundation engaged in sociocivic activities.
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The Sweetest Sound
“I am going to to do something I am passionate about,” I vowed.
Fresh off college graduation, I radiated a healthy idealism. From politics to policy to mental health, I was ready to saber rattle the status quo into submission.
Six months later, I sat in a sterile office in a nondescript DC office analyzing legal psychobabble. From the crackling paint to the linoleum tiles, the office could have doubled as a psych ward. And as I listened my desultory colleagues groan in agony, maybe it was.
As I walked around the office in a sullen stupor, I looked at my miserable colleagues and shook my head in disbelief. What the hell are they doing here? And, better yet, what the hell am I doing here?
For many, youthful passion is disparaged as hopeless idealism. It is a phase you will grow out of — you know, like your Dave Matthews Band obsession or Alyssa Milano crush. I am 36 — and still haven’t “grown out of it” (even though my unrequited love has cooled ever so slightly for Miss Milano).
And why should I? And, more importantly, why should you?
Wrapped in hopeful idealism (with maybe a touch of Iowa naïveté), I have spent the better part of my adult life searching for my calling. While others have mocked me (my father’s derisive sneer, “So you want to do something you are passionate about?” still stings), a calling is important for professional and — dare I say it — personal success.
Here is a proper definition: A calling is an individual’s experience toward any career domain — e.g. teaching, social work, medicine, clergy, musicians — that allows for “a self-relevant view of meaning.” It is a highly individualized, subjective experience. In other words, well-meaning family (ahem ahem) and friends cannot dictate your calling. As it should be; a self-reflective quest to find your calling is emotionally challenging — and more emotionally enriching.
I have searched — and at times struggled — to find my calling. From hammering out legal-tinged columns for the National Journal (no) to shuffling through legal documents (definitely not!) to writing acerbic sports columns (getting warmer) to offering pithy Psych Central takes (warmest?), I have been in perpetual search and discover mode. Or is that lost and (still waiting) to be found?
My family says yes (insert an obligatory, “What are you doing now?”); I steadfastly disagree. Finding your calling is more than applying for every Monster job vacancy; it requires a full awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. And, yes, this probing self-exploration requires trial and error — in some cases a lot of it.
But when you discover you calling, the payoff can be immense. A calling provides energy, enjoyment, and purpose to your life’s work; you are richer than any Wall Street paycheck. And as you follow your own North Star, those career bumps and bruises don’t sting as much. Your self-identity, once riddled with uncertainty, slowly stabilizes.
And this is sweeter music than any Dave Matthews Band classic.
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via World of Psychology
Failing, Persevering, and Applying Grit! My Testing Time This Weekend.
Grit is today’s subject matter. Sort of, as you’ll see. What are we referring to when we talk about about grit? Here is some dictionary action for you: Grit. noun 1. small loose particles of stone or sand. “she had a bit of grit in her eye” synonyms: gravel, pebbles, stones, shingle, sand, dust, dirt […]
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Our Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena for Hypnotherapists Seminar Returns: The Stuff of Legend!
Imagine the scene…. You’ve trained and qualified and are working with a client in your lovely fancy therapy room, the lights are dimmed, the chair is fully reclined, your client has a lovely crochet blanket draped across them, you pop on the whale music and yes, it’s time to affect your best “Hush FM DJ” […]
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7 Ways Therapists Can Avoid Work-Related Stress and Burnout
Burnout is a painful topic to write about because as therapists, we like to be upbeat and positive. Yet burnout is very real, problematic yet avoidable with the right understanding, awareness and tools. One of the things I recognise a lot with the hypnotherapists I mentor to develop their businesses, and those I supervise, is […]
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The Value of Being Around Inspiring People
Last weekend, my son and I did a bit of Parkrun tourism. In recent weeks, we have run Bournemouth, Poole, Moors Valley, Upton Country Park, Basingstoke and were looking for a different one to do as we had some time to go slightly beyond the usual local parameters. SO I had seen that last week […]
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How To Get a Narcissist to Feel Empathy
A simple technique to help narcissists develop more fellow-feeling.
Narcissists aren’t much interested in other people’s suffering, or, for that matter, any of other people’s feelings.
Erica Hepper, the author of a new study on the subject, explains that narcissists are:
“A bit full of themselves, self-centered, and don’t seem too concerned about the effects they have on other people.”
New research by Hepper and colleagues shows, though, that narcissists can be made to feel empathy, if given a nudge in the right direction (Hepper et al., 2014).
In the study, participants were split into two groups: ‘low narcissists’ and ‘high narcissists’.
Those high on narcissism in this study were not considered to have a clinical disorder.
Hepper continues:
“…people high in subclinical narcissism are psychologically healthy and well-adjusted, often even very successful, whereas people with NPD [narcissistic personality disorder] are inflexible and volatile, and don’t manage day-to-day life well.”
Both groups were then given a passage to read which described a relationship break-up.
As expected, the narcissists showed no empathy towards the story’s protagonists, no matter how severe the story.
This is normal for narcissists, whose interest in others is limited to garnering an audience for their antics, or for exploitation.
In another study, though, the narcissists were given a nudge in the right direction.
High- and low-narcissists then watched a 10-minute video of a woman — identified as Susan — describing her experience as a victim of domestic violence.
Sometimes, beforehand, they were instructed to empathise, with the following instruction:
“Imagine how Susan feels. Try to take her perspective in the video, imagining how she is feeling about what is happening…” (Hepper et al., 2014).
When the high-narcissists were specifically told to imagine how the victim felt, their empathy suddenly kicked in.
In comparison, those low on narcissism didn’t need to be told, so instructing them to take the victim’s perspective had no additional effect.
The researchers even confirmed these results physiologically, to check the narcissists weren’t just saying what they thought was expected of them.
The physiological measures also suggested they really were empathising, after being instructed to do so.
Hepper thinks this simple technique of reminding narcissists to take another person’s point of view can be useful:
“If we encourage narcissists to consider the situation from their teammate or friend’s point of view, they are likely to respond in a much more considerate or sympathetic way.”
It’s not that narcissists can’t feel for others it’s that they need reminding:
“…the current findings […] imply that narcissists’ low empathy is automatic (instead of consciously suppressed or under-reported), and also that perspective-taking induces genuine change in the way that narcissists process a distressed person’s experience.” (Hepper et al., 2014).
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Green tea compound may reduce the harms of a Western diet
Researchers found that a compound in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) reduced the development of insulin resistance, obesity, and memory impairments in mice fed a high-fat, high-fructose diet.
Study co-author Xuebo Liu, Ph.D., of the College of Food Science and Engineering at Northwest A&F University in China, and colleagues recently reported their findings in The FASEB Journal.
The Western diet is generally defined as a diet rich in red and processed meats, high in saturated fats, refined sugars, and refined carbohydrates, and low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seafood, and poultry.
Unsurprisingly, following such a diet has been linked to weight gain and obesity, as well as the development of type 2 diabetes. What is more, studies have indicated that a Western diet may raise the risk of cognitive impairment.
The new study, however, suggests that the green tea compound EGCG could help to protect against the harms of a Western diet.
Testing EGCG in mice
Dr. Liu and team came to their findings by studying three groups of 3-month-old male mice.
For a total of 16 weeks, each group followed a different diet. One group of mice was fed a high-fat, high-fructose diet (HFFD), one group was fed an HFFD alongside 2 grams of EGCG in every liter of drinking water, while the remaining group was fed a standard diet (the controls).
At the end of the 16-week study period, as expected, the mice fed the HFFD had gained more weight than the control group. However, the weight gain was much less severe for mice whose HFFD was supplemented with EGCG.
Additionally, the team found that the mice fed HFFD plus EGCG were less likely to experience insulin resistance in response to an HFFD, as determined by the upregulation of specific brain pathways that control insulin signaling.
The memory of the mice was assessed with the Morris water maze test, a navigation task wherein researchers monitor rodents' ability to find an escape platform.
Compared with mice fed the HFFD, the researchers found that mice fed an HFFD plus EGCG were repeatedly much faster at finding the escape platform, and they also took a shorter path to locate it.
'Compelling evidence'
The team then removed the platform from the maze to test the rodents' memory in a probe trial, which measures how long a rodent spends in the "target quadrant," or the area of the maze where the platform used to be. A longer time spent in the target quadrant indicates better memory.
The researchers found that mice fed the HFFD plus EGCG spent longer in the target quadrant than the mice fed the HFFD alone.
The HFFD plus EGCG mice also had more platform crossings - that is, a greater number of crossings over the target location - indicating that these rodents had a better idea of where the escape platform was located previously.
While human trials are needed to confirm these findings, the researchers believe that EGCG not only has the ability to reduce the development of insulin resistance and weight gain in response to a Western diet, but it could also protect the brain.
"To our knowledge, this study is the first to provide compelling evidence that the nutritional compound EGCG has the potential to ameliorate HFFD-triggered learning and memory loss."
via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today
Could insufficient sleep be adding centimeters to your waistline?
Adults in the UK who have poor sleep patterns are more likely to be overweight and obese and have poorer metabolic health, according to a new study.
The findings showed that people who were sleeping an average of six hours a night had a waist measurement that was 3 cm greater than individuals who were getting nine hours of sleep a night. And shorter sleepers were heavier too.
The results strengthen the evidence that insufficient sleep could contribute to the development of metabolic diseases such as diabetes-major health challenges facing the NHS.
The study - led by Dr Laura Hardie, Reader in Molecular Epidemiology at the University of Leeds - not only looked at the links between sleep duration, diet and weight, but also other indicators of overall metabolic health such as blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar, and thyroid function.
The study involved 1,615 adults who reported how long they slept and kept records of food intake. Participants had blood samples taken and their weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure recorded. The researchers looked at the associations between how long people were sleeping and these key biological parameters.
The research team, from the Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine and the School of Food Science and Nutrition, reported their findings in the journal PLOS ONE.
Greg Potter, one of the Leeds researchers, said "The number of people with obesity worldwide has more than doubled since 1980. Obesity contributes to the development of many diseases, most notably type 2 diabetes. Understanding why people gain weight has crucial implications for public health."
Shorter sleep was also linked to reduced levels of HDL cholesterol in the participants' blood-another factor that can cause health problems. HDL cholesterol is 'good' cholesterol that helps remove 'bad' fat from the circulation. In doing so, high HDL cholesterol levels protect against conditions such as heart disease.
Interestingly, the study did not find any relationship between shortened sleep and a less healthy diet - a fact that surprised the researchers. Other studies have suggested that shortened sleep can lead to poor dietary choices.
The research was a snapshot of the associations between sleep duration and measurements of metabolic health. It was not designed to assess the impact of chronic poor sleep over time, and whether that leads to disease.
Dr Laura Hardie, the study's senior investigator, added "Because we found that adults who reported sleeping less than their peers were more likely to be overweight or obese, our findings highlight the importance of getting enough sleep. How much sleep we need differs between people, but the current consensus is that seven to nine hours is best for most adults."
The findings add to the growing body of evidence showing just how important a good night's sleep is to health.
Article: Longer sleep is associated with lower BMI and favorable metabolic profiles in UK adults: Findings from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, Gregory D. M. Potter, Janet E. Cade, Laura J. Hardie, PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182195, published 27 July 2017.
via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today
Advanced Hypnosis Center offers intensive program of self-hypnosis of weight loss - PRUnderground (press release)
Advanced Hypnosis Center offers intensive program of self-hypnosis of weight loss
PRUnderground (press release) Does Hypnosis for weight loss work? Yes, it is a completely safe therapy that is effective as well. The majority of the users find it a better way as compared to the weight loss surgeries. It is a re-education for your mind that helps in establishing ... |
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Article : High Performance Public Speaking
Popular Netflix show may increase suicidal tendencies
Suicide is a serious public health concern. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide ranks as the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, across all age groups.
However, suicide becomes the third leading cause of death when zooming in on young people aged between 10 and 14. Furthermore, among those aged between 10 and 24 years, suicide rises to the second spot in the top causes of death.
Experts have expressed concern over the impressionability and susceptibility of young people to suicide. The phenomenon of "suicide contagion" is more pervasive among teenagers and adolescents, and exposure to certain media programs might increase the risk of copying suicidal behavior in this age group.
In particular, a new, popular Netflix drama that centers around a teenager who commits suicide has sparked controversy and worry over the psychological well-being of teenagers.
Now, a team of researchers led by John W. Ayers, an associate research professor at San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health in California, set out to investigate the impact of this show - called "13 Reasons Why" - on suicide-related Internet searches.
The findings were published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Examining Internet searches
Specifically, the study examined Google search trends in the days following the show's release. Prof. Ayers and team looked at searches for the word "suicide," excluding occurrences of the word "suicide" together with the word "squad," so as to avoid searches for the popular film "Suicide Squad."
Additionally, they monitored related search terms, avoiding unrelated or vague phrases that included the word suicide, such as "suicide slide" or "suicide bridge." The researchers also examined specific suicide-related search queries, such as "how to commit suicide" and "how to kill yourself."
Prof. Ayers and colleagues looked at the volume of Internet searches between March 31, 2017 and April 18, 2017. The end date of the period was chosen in order to avoid the date of April 19, 2017, which was when the American football player Aaron Hernandez committed suicide.
The researchers compared Internet search volumes after the show aired with what the search volumes would have been if the show had not been released. These volumes were estimated based on daily trends over 3 months, which were fed into an algorithm called "autoregressive integrated moving average," designed by Hyndman and Khandakar.
"This strategy allows us to isolate any effect '13 Reasons Why' had on how the public engaged with and thought of suicide," says study co-author Benjamin Althouse, a research scientist at the Institute for Disease Modeling in Bellevue, WA.
Suicide searches up by 19 percent
Overall, the study revealed a bump in all suicide-related searches after the show's premiere.
Specifically, all of the suicide-related queries were up by 19 percent, compared with what would have been expected if the show had not aired.
The search for phrases that indicate users' interest in suicide prevention strategies partially accounted for this increase. Namely, searches for phrases such as "suicide hotline" went up by 12 percent, and those for "suicide prevention" increased by 23 percent.
However, queries such as "how to commit suicide," "commit suicide," and "how to kill yourself" also increased considerably, by 26 percent, 18 percent, and 9 percent, respectively.
"In relative terms, it's hard to appreciate the magnitude of [the release of '13 Reasons Why']," says study co-author Mark Dredze, a professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.
"In fact, there were between 900,000 and 1,500,000 more suicide-related searches than expected during the 19 days following the series' release."
"While it's heartening that the series' release concurred with increased awareness of suicide and suicide prevention [...] our results back up the worst fears of the show's critics: the show may have inspired many to act on their suicidal thoughts by seeking out information on how to commit suicide."
Prof. John W. Ayers
The researchers cannot determine whether or not the searches triggered actual suicide attempts.
However, the scientists point to previous studies that have indicated a correlation between suicide search trends and actual suicides, as well as studies showing that the more suicides are covered by the media, the more people try to commit suicide.
Finally, the researchers point to the World Health Organization's (WHO) guidelines for suicide prevention - specifically those aimed at the media - and urge the show's creators, as well as Netflix, to abide by these principles.
"It is critical that media makers follow these guidelines. For instance, these guidelines discourage content that dwells on the suicide or suicide act. '13 Reasons Why' dedicated 13 hours to a suicide victim, even showing the suicide in gruesome detail," says co-author Jon-Patrick Allem, a research scientist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
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via Psychology / Psychiatry News From Medical News Today
Final 48 Hours to Register @ 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: Brain Enhancement in the Digital Age at Super Saver Rates
The 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (December 5-7th, 2017) will feature over thirty of the world’s top experts and innovators working on ways to enhance our brain health and performance in light of emerging neuroscience and digital technologies. Additionally, and for the first time, it will host a Brainnovations Pitch Contest to foster collaborative problem-solving between scientists, practitioners, technologists and entrepreneurs.
Early-stage startups will submit their elevator pitch and 1-2 page business plan, and up to 16 selected Finalists will get to pitch their idea to the Judges and to all Summit participants in one of four categories: Healthcare, Workplace, Education, and Quality of Life.
Learn More & Register HERE
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via SharpBrains
12 Steps to Successfully Become a Morning Person
Today, only 7% of the younger generation are morning people. This statistic gradually increases as people reach the age of 60. But the truth is, most important activities happen in the morning. Work, school, exercise, and creativity all take a lot of brainpower. It is proven that by going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, you can be more focused and productive.
If you are ready to start your journey to early morning productivity, read these 12 tips!
The Night Before
- Go to bed early.
This seems obvious, but it is necessary if you want to get up early. You cannot be a morning person without giving up some late nights. Your body will thank you for the 8 hours. - Don’t sleep with screens.
Put the iPad, TV, and cell phone to sleep before you do. It is better to take a hot bath or read a book so that your body is relaxed and ready for a hard slumber. - Get organized.
It’s hard to sleep when you have a lot on your mind. If you have any thoughts before bed, write them down. Set up your outfit, pack your bag, and plan breakfast for the next day so that you don’t have to think about anything when you’re trying to fall asleep. - Tranquilize your room.
Decorate your room so that it is calm and relaxing. Lavender essential oils, comfy bedding, and dark lighting will help you get a great night’s sleep. - Identify your reasoning for getting up earlier.
What is your motivation for getting up earlier? Is it to get things done before the rest of the household wakes up? Getting to the gym before work? Identify your inspiration and then remind yourself of it every night before you go to bed. - Set goals.
If you have a goal for what you will accomplish during the day, you will be more motivated to wake up. - Ditch the alcohol.
Alcohol disrupts the amount of REM sleep we get in the night time. REM sleep is our deepest form of sleep.
In the Morning
- Turn on the light as soon as your get up.
Open your blinds or turn on the light right when you get up. This will signal to your body that it is day time and wake you up quicker. - Eat a healthy breakfast.
Breakfast provides energy that will jumpstart your day. Eat healthy choices like eggs, a smoothie, toast, or fruit. It will help you to crave healthy foods for the rest of the day as well. - Go gradual.
Change your routine by incrementally going to bed and getting up 15 minutes earlier each day. - Always wake up at the same time.
Make your sleeping schedule a routine so that your body can get used to it. If you sleep in until 11am one day, but expect to wake up at 6am the rest of the week, it will get confused. That extra time on the weekends will feel great even if you don’t have to show up to work! - Plan something for the morning that excites you.
Whether it’s coffee, yoga, or putting on your favorite song, remind yourself of that when you wake up. You will be much more enticed to hop out of bed.
Although it is not easy, there are so many reasons to make the transition from a night owl to an early bird. Push through the beginning struggle to live a happier, more motivated lifestyle.
Morning people tend to be:
- Happier
- Proactive
- More likely to stick to a workout schedule
- Have more time to get stuff done
- Energized
- Develop more self discipline
- Less stressed
- More immune to sickness
- & more
Once you start to see the benefits of waking up earlier, it will easily become a habit in your daily routine. You will never want to go back to the days of staying up until 2am just to waste your beautiful morning sleeping!
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via World of Psychology
A Little Happier: My Daughter’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Mother Knew the Right Thing to Say.
I love it when people know the right thing to say.
At the party following my daughter Eliza’s high-school graduation, her ex-boyfriend’s mother found exactly the right words to sum up their hard-to-put-into-words relationship. She said to Eliza, “You’ll always have a place in my heart.”
That’s what we want to hear! I have a place in your heart.
Do you struggle to find the right words to say — at a big event like a graduation, or in ordinary life? I love hearing examples of people finding the words.
This mini-episode is brought to you by the Platinum Card from American Express. There’s a world of experiences waiting to open up with the Platinum Card–backed by the services and security of American Express.
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Alcohol improves memory of previous learning
The reason for the finding is not fully understood, say researchers from the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, who report it in the journal Scientific Reports.
It has been suggested, they note, that alcohol stops the brain being able to take on new information, freeing up resources to more firmly bed down earlier learning.
"The theory is that the hippocampus - the brain area really important in memory - switches to 'consolidating' memories, transferring from short- into longer-term memory," explains senior study author Celia Morgan, a professor of psychopharmacology at the University of Exeter.
However, she and her team wish people to realize that that their findings point to a "limited effect" that should be weighed up against the well-known negative consequences on memory and mental and physical health that result from excessive alcohol consumption.
First study in 'naturalistic setting'
In their study paper, the team explains that there is a lot of documented evidence on the effects of alcohol on memory performance. This shows, for example, that people under the influence of alcohol are less able to form new memories.
And, paradoxically, there is also evidence that alcohol can improve memory when the information is learned before intoxication takes place.
Thus, while the new study is not the first to observe this effect, it is the first to demonstrate it in a "naturalistic setting," outside the laboratory. The setting for the study was the participants' own homes.
The authors also note that, "Since alcohol is the most popular recreational drug worldwide, with an estimated 38.3 percent of the global population currently using it, investigating the naturalistic effects of alcohol is important in assessing the harms and potential benefits of this ubiquitous substance."
For their investigation, Prof. Morgan and colleagues recruited 88 social drinkers (31 men and 57 women), aged between 18 and 53, and they randomly assigned them to one of two groups: the alcohol group and the sober group.
All participants undertook a word-learning task in a quiet room at home in the early evening. This was followed by a first test of recall.
Those in the alcohol group were then invited to drink as much alcohol as they wished, and those in the sober group were asked to drink only nonalcoholic drinks.
Improved recall of pre-drinking learning
The next morning, the participants undertook a second test to recall the words that they had learned the evening before. This test took place around 18 hours after the learning task.
The results showed that the performance in the second recall test (that is, following the drinking session) was better than in the first recall test (before the drinking session) for the alcohol group only.
"Our research not only showed that those who drank alcohol did better when repeating the word-learning task, but that this effect was stronger among those who drank more."
Prof. Celia Morgan
The researchers suggest that the reason that greater consumption of alcohol might improve recall of pre-drinking learning might be that alcohol creates a state in the brain that "better facilitates cellular and systems consolidation as dose increases."
They also note that there could be an interaction between the effect of sleep and the effect of alcohol, as the second recall test was done the following morning, after a night's sleep.
The team suggests that future studies should attempt to "empirically rule out alternative neurobiological explanations for retrograde facilitation by controlling for sleep."
Memory no better after intoxicated learning
The participants also underwent a second experiment, in which the learning task took place under the influence of alcohol.
They completed the learning phase of the second experiment, which involved looking at images on a screen and then undergoing a first test of recall, shortly after the drinking session, before they went to bed.
The second test of recall for this post-drinking memory task also took place the next morning, shortly after the word-learning recall test.
The results showed no significant improvement in recall between the two tests for the alcohol group.
Prof. Morgan and team conclude that their findings "support the notion that alcohol can facilitate memory for previously learned information."
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via Psychology / Psychiatry News From Medical News Today