You're reading Feeling Stuck in Life? You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
1) Understand What Got You There
“In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.”When people generally say they’re ‘stuck in life’, it could mean many things. Some are like Susan, who suffered from a tragic loss and now they don’t know what to do after that. Others could be living the dream – but they feel empty and stagnant inside. For a few folks, they might have given up on their dreams, convincing themselves that following the practical route is best decision nowadays. Whatever the reason, feeling stuck is normal. At some point, everybody goes through with it. It’s different for everyone, and it could happen to both the young and old. But the important thing is to acknowledge that yes, YOU are stuck – but that’s okay. Whether you’re at the crossroads of a job change or you’re grieving from a loss, allow yourself to be stuck. Feel everything that goes with it: the emptiness, the misery, the lonely nights. Cry, shout, laugh, and cry some more. When you allow yourself to feel all these, you’re unknowingly letting go of what binds you. When you allow yourself to immerse in the experience of feeling stuck – you can begin to understand WHY it happened. And there’s no better peace than finally knowing why you felt the way you did.
2) Keep Moving Despite The Odds
“Sometimes you have to do things when sad things happen.”According to life coach Stephanie Zamora, it’s important that we take action despite feeling stuck in life. Remember: change is inevitable. Even if you don’t decide to move, things will happen eventually. After analyzing your feelings and immersing yourself in a whirlwind of emotions, this is the next logical step. And believe it or not, you’ll eventually find yourself doing something despite nagging doubts, loneliness, or fears. After Susan Boyle’s mother died, she kept volunteering at her local church. She did this even though she was out of work and most probably felt lost about her situation. It is through this simple act that ultimately led her to the stage. Had she merely stayed at home, things might have turned out differently. It’s easy to just lie in bed and feel sorry for yourself. But even so, life continues. And if you don’t eventually catch up, it will move forward without you. You don’t need to immediately do something drastic for it to be called action. Simply falling into old routines is enough. Not only does this serve as a distraction, but it’s also an avenue for life to bring you better opportunities. Continue going to work, doing household chores, visiting friends, or volunteering in your community. Often, the best way to get ‘unstuck’ is to stick with old habits. After all, our routines provide order in our chaos.
You’re Stuck in Life Because You Need To Be
“That’s the thing. Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on to someone else.”Years from now, you’re going to look back at these incidents and laugh about them. You’ll smile at the thought that once upon a time, you felt lost and afraid. One day, you’ll share how you overcame these challenges with your grandchildren. Maybe the reason why you’re stuck in life right now is because you NEED to be. Perhaps you’ve been going too fast. This is probably life’s way of telling you to ‘slow down’. During your reflections and in your solitude, maybe you’ll realize the answer. Or maybe not. But in the meantime, have faith that all things pass. Troubles end, and day follows the night. Dreams die so new ones could take its place. You’re reading this today because you’re exactly where you need to be. And so am I. --- Cristina Antonio is the EIC of and a writer of all things related to world news, movies, real estate, health, or social media. She’s currently focused on helping healthcare workers find better career opportunities through Locum Tenens. Cris also enjoys painting, collecting toys, reading German novels, and lurking the Web.
You've read Feeling Stuck in Life? You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
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