Thursday, January 19, 2017

Those Kids.

This month at our Church we are doing 21 Days of Prayer and fasting - Madison wanted to participate and decided to give up desserts. For the past 2 weeks she has stuck to her word, even when Oliver and I weren't around. She was on a playdate at a friends house and the Mom texted me that Madison turned down dessert because of her fast, I totally didn't even think to mention it. I completely left it up to her, she's been a rock. I can't even express the amount of respect I have for my 7 year old right now. I know adults that can't stick to this for a week, shoot, myself included! 

More than anything I want my children to be polite, respectful, and true to their word. I struggle with all of these things often, so to see my baby girl holding true to her word makes me want to try harder in my own life. 

Hat from Jennifer Ann Style.

Now this little turkey right here. Sigh. He's turning 3 in March and we've been debating potty training him, but I wasn't 100% sure he was ready. Then last week at school his teacher said he asked to use the urinal and went, so I took that as a sign that he was ready to let go of the diapers.

So I got on Amazon, bought a Mickey Mouse potty and underwear. The day we opened it he insisted on taking his diaper off and sitting on it - he actually went too! I was like - heck yeah! We got this. 

The next day I opened his new underwear and let him pick which one he wanted to wear - once he had them on he started crying to take them off... "TOO TIGHT, TOO TIGHT" which is what he says anytime he doesn't want to wear certain things {like any shoe except his light up Batman shoes}

With Madison we used the 3 day method - you stay home for 3 days and literally drink and potty all day long - now we have tutoring, soccer practice, crossfit kids, etc and staying home for 3 days is not very feasible. I don't know what to do about longer car trips? I'm not a fan of pull-ups, they are really just diapers, but do I just stop frequently? Am I overthinking this?? Do I really need to train him at all?! hahahaha. geez. You'd think I never had a kid before!

Also. That pee is everywhere!!!! I'm like - hold it down, but he doesn't get it. Then he gets upset that there is a mess on the floor, he's very tidy. Yesterday he refused to walk through a puddle, he made me pick him up and carry him so his shoes wouldn't get wet. Can I just use a piddle pad under the potty chair?! Someone said to use the regular potty, but he seem scared of it.

via Skinny Meg

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